Field Lists

Catalogue fields


field description
account_code financial account code for the title. Can be used in summary reports and as the account code for fees levied on copies of the title
author author name
author_other other authors such as co-authors and illustrators
author_photo image of the author - this is a placeholder for future functionality
call_number call number
carrier RDA "carrier" field. Generally refers to the physical medium of the title. Library of Congress (LoC) maintains a standard list of carrier types at
container a container field for book covers, pdf documents, movies and other files. Most commonly used for book covers.
content_type RDA Content field. Description of the type of the title. LoC maintains a formal list at
custom1 a custom field you may use as you so choose - you can control the label of this field in settings
custom2 a custom field you may use as you so choose - you can control the label of this field in settings
custom3 a custom field you may use as you so choose - you can control the label of this field in settings
custom4 a custom field you may use as you so choose - you can control the label of this field in settings
depreciation_rate the accounting depreciation rate for the title entered as a decimal. For example, books are often depreciated at 12.5% (entered as 0.125). You might depreciate very popular items much faster
dewey the dewey decimal code for the item. If your library doesn't use dewey codes, you can use this as you see fit.
flag_highlighted A highlight check box used for drawing attention to the title. Used by Athenaeum searches when looking for "highlighted" or "popular" titles. You can set the name of "highlighted" items in settings
genre The genre(s) of the title. Enter one genre per line.
ID Internal ID of the title
ID_library If set, determines the library that the title belongs to (note that copies of the title might belong to a different library)
ID_privilege ID of the default borrower privilege when issuing copies of this title
ISBN The ISBN(s) for the title
issue_days_max If set, sets the default maximum number of days that a title can be issued.
keywords User friendly subject terms for the item. Enter formal subject terms in the subjects field and less formal terms here.
level_borrowing A number representing the borrower level a borrower must be to have this item issued. It is an arbitrary plain number (e.g. could be age, or year at school). If you set this, then the borrower must have an equivalent or higher number stored in their borrower type.
level_reading An advisory number suggesting the reading level of the title.
notes Any notes you wish to store for the title. Visible and searchable by library patrons.
publish_location Where the title was published
publish_year 4 digit year the title was published
publisher publisher of the title
series Name of the series of the title, if it is part of a series
subjects Formal subject entries for the item. However, if you choose, you do not need to adhere to formal standards
subjects_copyright Subject entries usually supplied by a third party and may be subject to copyright. Library patrons do not see these terms, however searches do include the terms
subscription_expiry the date of the expiry of the title's subscription
title The name of the title
type The type of title or RDA Media Type. You can use strict types or not (however be consistent). LoC maintains a formal list of media types at
url The Uniform Resource Locator (URL) of the title. Normally, this is an internet address, however the URL scheme can refer to files on your network or device.
url2 An additional URL for the title. Athenaeum has utilities for calculating addresses based on certain criteria that are inserted here.
[Title Fields]


field description
account_code Financial account code for the copy - if different to the title
amount_paid The amount actually paid for the copy
amount_replace The replacement amount for the copy. This is the number used when creating fees for overdue or lost items. It can be calculated using a formula set in settings and can be manually overriden.
amount_total Amount_paid + amount_unpaid
amount_unpaid A number representing the unpaid component of a copy. It allows you to record the value of a copy and the paid amount separately. It might represent, say, a donation amount or a discount amount.
bar_code Unique bar code for the item
carrier RDA "carrier" field if different to the Title
condition The physical condition of the copy
container A container field for book covers, pdf documents, movies and other files when different to the Title
copy number An integer optionally assigned to each copy of a title allowing an alternative identification of that copy - printed in various reports
date_handled A searchable field showing the date the copy was last "handled"
date_purchase When the copy was purchased. If you don't know, make an educated estimate. Copies with no purchase date will be excluded from some reports, possibly skewing reported results
edition Edition of the copy
flag_no_issue Set this flag to mark the copy as Not For Issue
flag_no_override placeholder
flag_notes_print placeholder - when printing issues with this set, the notes field will be set
ID ID of the Copy
ID_library ID of the library to which this copy is attached, if different from the title
ID_parent placeholder - identifies the parent copy of a collection
ID_supplier ID of the supplier of the copy
ID_title ID of the title
issue_days_fixed Specifies the fixed issue period if set. When issuing, the due date will be calculated as the current date plus issue_days_fixed, with possible subsequent adjustments for end of year, weekends, holidays and recesses
issue_days_max Specifies the maximum number of days to limit issues. For example, popular items might only be issued for 2 days at a time
location Where this copy can be found
message_on_issue When issuing, any message entered here will be displayed
message_on_return Message displayed when the copy is returned
notes Notes for the copy. Not displayed to library patrons
publish_year Publish year if different to the title
purchase_note Notes about the purchase. E.g. you might record donation or discount details
source Internal field - stores the source of the copy information
stock_take_run The number of the last stock take where this copy was handled
volume The volume of the copy
[Copy Fields]

  1. "blog" is a term that appeared in 1999 and is a contraction of "web log" (that is, I'm posting my daily log to the web) and refers to a website that contains online personal reflections, comments, and often hyperlinks, videos, and photographs provided by the writer to their audience. 

  2. the popular link that used to be in the navbar is now deprecated and replaced by the optional custom lists menu. If necessary, it can be re-instated with a "navbar=" or a custom "widget=" blog post. 

  3. you may use the built-in letters, or customise those letters, or define your own letters 

  4. you can configure this key to show the list of titles or the list of copies in admin 

  5. you can configure this key to show borrower types instead in admin, if you wish 

  6. the formulae are stored in Admin->Customisation->Calculations 

  7. The borrower privilege does not define the item as “fiction”, “non-fiction”, etc. Rather it makes the statement: “when issuing this item, Athenaeum will count it as the specified type and compare it to the number of that type that the borrower is allowed” 

  8. Just for fun, you can embed the web search on the desktop client search screen! 

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